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Dr David Stewart

MBChB, MRCS(Glas), FRACS(Plast)

Dr Stewart graduated in medicine from the University of Edinburgh in 2001, and completed his basic surgical training in the UK. He moved to Sydney in 2005 for a research fellowship in Plastic Surgery at the Surgical and Orthopaedic Research Laboratory at Prince of Wales Hospital. He then completed his Specialty training in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in Sydney and Auckland.

He underwent post-fellowship specialty training in hand & microsurgery at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, and worked there as a consultant prior to returning to Sydney.

He is a Visiting Medical Officer at Royal North Shore Hospital and the Children's Hospital Westmead, and consults privately at North Shore Private Hospital.

Dr Stewart is a senior lecturer at the University of Sydney and supervisor of training of plastic surgery trainees in the North Shore Hand Unit. He has published widely in the plastic surgery and hand surgery literature, regularly attends international surgical meetings, and is a reviewer for both the European and American Journals of Hand Surgery and the ANZ Journal of Surgery.

Dr David Stewart consults in Acral Clinic once a month, on a Thursday. 

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