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Home > Medical Photography

We have a dedicated medical photography studio with highly skilled full-time specialised medical photographers (melanographers)

and state-of-the art equipment and technology.


Medical photography is an essential modality for optimising early diagnosis of melanoma and is an integral part of our service.


Medical photography improves accurate detection of of melanoma at early stages, improving the prognosis and  and minimises unnecessary invasive surgical biopsies.


No referral is required for medical photography.


Dermoscopic Photography

Specialised skin surface microscopy showing structural features of melanoma not visible to the naked eye.

Total Body Photography

Accurate detection of new or changing lesions.

Helps diagnose melanoma at the earliest stage possible.

Both types of photographs are useful as a baseline. All patients are invited to access their photographs via our secure app, to share with other health care providers and to assist self-examination.


Sequential photographs taken over time, can help to identify new or changing lesions. Subtle change is the best way to diagnosis a melanoma early.

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Dermoscopic photographs are specialised photographs with a magnification plate against the skin. These display features of melanoma and other skin cancers which are not visible to the naked eye.

Sequential Dermoscopic Photography (Monitoring)

Repeat photographs are taken at either 3 or 6 months, depending on the type of lesion, and as recommended by your dermatologist. Research shows that 99% of lesions that do not change over a three-month period are benign, while 96% of melanomas will demonstrate subtle changes within 3 months. Lesions which undergo change may then be recommended for surgical biopsy.



(Full skin imaging)

Total body photography involves photographs taken of your entire skin (wearing only undergarments), allowing a complete photographic record of the location, size and appearance of your moles (melanocytic naevi).

Sequential Total Body Photography

Artificial intelligence is changing the future of melanoma detection. Our total body photography technologies allow standardised automated detection of new or changing lesions, improving efficiency and accuracy.



Our melanographers are highly skilled with extensive experience in Medical Photography.


Our photographers are not qualified to interpret the photographs. It is essential to combine medical photography with a medical review, either with your local dermatologist, general practitioner or here with the specialists at Melanoma Dermatology.

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Stephanie Friedlander
Medical Photography Manager

Privacy Information

Clinical photographs form part of your legal medical record. Photographs are only obtained with your consent. Detailed information on the collection, storage and use of medical photography is available in our Privacy Policy.



Financial information

Medical photography is not covered by Medicare. Rebates may be available from some private health funds.

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