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A diagnosis of melanoma can have a significant psychological impact upon the patient and their loved ones.
At Melanoma Institute Australia we are conducting a study to explore the unmet needs of melanoma patients and their carers.
Our aim is to use this information to create resources that may be helpful to help ease the burden of this diagnosis. 

Doctor Office

About the study



You are invited to take part in a research study exploring supports that may help melanoma patients and their carers cope better with melanoma diagnosis, treatment and survivorship. The information gained from this study will be used to create resources that may be helpful, as well as research the areas that are of biggest importance to melanoma patients and carers.


Participation in this research study is voluntary. Full details of the study can be found here.

If you have any questions, please contact

Who can take part in the study?

We are interested in learning about the experiences of both patients diagnosed with melanoma and their carers. A carer is considered a person who has been most involved in supporting a patient with melanoma. Carers can be someone from immediate family (e.g. husband, wife, partner, parent, child, sibling), extended family (e.g. relative) or a friend. This study does NOT involve carers that provide formal (paid) supports.


To be able to take part in this study you need:

You are 18 years of age or older

You are proficient in English

(PATIENTS ONLY) You have been diagnosed with Stage 0-IV melanoma and

  • Are currently undergoing treatment for your melanoma (e.g. surgery, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy or chemotherapy) OR you have completed your melanoma treatment no longer than 2 years ago.

  • Have NOT had any other cancer diagnoses in the last 5 years to ensure that the results we obtain relate to melanoma specifically, rather than another cancer.


(CARERS ONLY) You have been caring for a person diagnosed with Stage 0-IV melanoma. The melanoma patient that you provided care for:

  • Is currently undergoing treatment for their melanoma (e.g. surgery, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy or chemotherapy) OR they have completed melanoma treatment no longer than 2 years ago.


  • Has NO other cancer diagnoses in the last 5 years to ensure that the results we obtain relate to melanoma specifically, rather than another cancer.

Annual Check-up




To take part in this study, please click on the link below to fill in the Participant Consent Form.

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